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Astoria at MIX08 (REST in Vegas)
As much as I'd love to make it to MIX08 this week, time will not allow me...But if I were, then I'd be going to the following three sessions related to the Project Formerly Known as Astoria : Wed, March 5th - RESTful Data Services with the ADO.NET Data...
Dr. Peter Chen - the ER Model and ADO.NET Entity Framework - Podcast
A couple of weeks ago Dr Peter Chen , inventor of the Entity-Relationship model (ER model), visited the Microsoft Campus to provide a lecture sharing his thoughts on the ADO.NET Entity Framework . As we were planning his visit, he was very keen to make...
A Short History of the Evolution of Microsoft Data Access APIs
Earlier this year I read Joel Spolsky's 'Joel on Software' . It's a collection of his blog posts bundled up into a real-world book on topics ranging from tips on code development, to advice on managing programmers, to strategies on running...
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