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ADO.NET Entity Framework video- 1 year later
Some old Data Programmability teammates of mine, Britt Johnston, Pablo Castro and Mike Pizzo (well, Mike's not that old), are interviewed by Charles Torre in this Channel 9 video to discuss their progress, challenges and customer feedback in the last...
Dr. Peter Chen - the ER Model and ADO.NET Entity Framework - Podcast
A couple of weeks ago Dr Peter Chen , inventor of the Entity-Relationship model (ER model), visited the Microsoft Campus to provide a lecture sharing his thoughts on the ADO.NET Entity Framework . As we were planning his visit, he was very keen to make...
A Short History of the Evolution of Microsoft Data Access APIs
Earlier this year I read Joel Spolsky's 'Joel on Software' . It's a collection of his blog posts bundled up into a real-world book on topics ranging from tips on code development, to advice on managing programmers, to strategies on running...
In my first week with the Data Programmability team, my new manager suggested I set up a bunch of introductory meetings with some of the team members. One of the very first of these meetings was with Software Architect Brian Beckman . I spent an hour...
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