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How ADO.NET Data Services came to be (formerly known as Project Astoria)
Pablo Castro has recounted some of his timelined memories about how "Project Astoria" evolved from a lunch time conversation to bits in .NET 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 now known as ADO.NET Data Services Framework ). Nice write up. Three memories...
Astoria at MIX08 (REST in Vegas)
As much as I'd love to make it to MIX08 this week, time will not allow me...But if I were, then I'd be going to the following three sessions related to the Project Formerly Known as Astoria : Wed, March 5th - RESTful Data Services with the ADO.NET Data...
Podcast with John Musser of
A couple of weeks back John Musser of joined me and Ted for a chat to discuss the state of web APIs and the API trends as he sees them. We've now recorded the conversation and published as the first of a newly launched Bungee Line...
Astoria: Data Services for the Web - Part 2
Back in April, the Data Programmability team at Microsoft announced "Astoria": Data Services for the Web , an incubation project exploring programming models for data over the web. As part of the announcement, the team deployed an online implementation...
RESTpectful comparison of Microsoft's Astoria and Google Base Data APIs
Dare has written up RESTpectful comparison of the programming models of Microsoft's Astoria and Google Base Data API for querying relational data over the web (RESTful data services). Both these APIs also happen to support operations for changing the...
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