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Connecting Clouds: Intuit Partner Platform and Windows Azure
How about I break my blogging “hiatus” by sharing some cool stuff the Intuit Partner Platform team has been working on for a little while that involves Windows Azure? OK, then… :-) This morning, Intuit and Microsoft have announced very cool news for Intuit...
Joining Intuit
Firstly - thanks to everyone who has reached out to me in the last three weeks via email, phone calls and comments since I shared the news of my pursuit for the next adventure - I have really appreciated everyone's support and interest in my next steps...
How ADO.NET Data Services came to be (formerly known as Project Astoria)
Pablo Castro has recounted some of his timelined memories about how "Project Astoria" evolved from a lunch time conversation to bits in .NET 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 now known as ADO.NET Data Services Framework ). Nice write up. Three memories...
Designing Web APIs - Twitter Learnings
Although I made it to Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco last week, I didn't make it to a session Matt McAlister blogged about by Twitter’s Alex Payne and Michael Migurski of Stamen Design who presented learnings from the perspective of an API provider. But...
Astoria at MIX08 (REST in Vegas)
As much as I'd love to make it to MIX08 this week, time will not allow me...But if I were, then I'd be going to the following three sessions related to the Project Formerly Known as Astoria : Wed, March 5th - RESTful Data Services with the ADO.NET Data...
What I'm reading...
There are a whole bunch of interesting posts / stuff I find on the net that I bookmark on (at least, I think they are interesting). Over the years I've been experimenting with different ways of sharing these with you. My most recent solution...
8 Trends in Software as a Service Platforms
To kick off the new year, I presented to around 40 or 50 members of Utah Technology Council ( UTC ) last week. The title of the topic they asked me to speak about was "Trends in Software as a Service Platforms". I searched around for some ideas and came...
Ozzie's "Cloud OS" Raises More Questions than Answers
Ray Ozzie's briefing this week provided quite a bit more detail around Microsoft's "Software Plus Services" strategy. It's definitely worth a read (or a look , and if you're feeling too lazy for either you can read Nick Carr's summary ). It's been a year...
RESTpectful comparison of Microsoft's Astoria and Google Base Data APIs
Dare has written up RESTpectful comparison of the programming models of Microsoft's Astoria and Google Base Data API for querying relational data over the web (RESTful data services). Both these APIs also happen to support operations for changing the...
Scalability at Amazon (notes)
Werner Vogels, CTO at spoke at Supernova 2006 on the topic of Scalability at Amazon and the talk is available as a podcast at IT Conversations ( thanks to James Governor for the link ). I made some notes as I listened this morning and thought...
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